Natura Ayur Pvt. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of standardized botanical Extracts, essential oils & oleoresins for personal care, cosmetic products, health supplements, finished formulations and food &beverage products. We are a corporate entity created and registered under the Companies Act 1956. Our registered office is situated at Bangalore, India. Rigorous use of present-day technolog
To position Natura Biotechnol in the World Market as a provider of complete solutions for healthy living in an environment of trust based on harnessing the rich (bountiful) natural resources using scientific knowledge.
Providing the highest customer services to our clients. Continuous R&D to innovate new products and research natural resources using the scientific knowledge and wisdom of compassionate experts in the field. Always kee...
Being in the business of preparing extract from herbs and manufacturing AYUSH medicines, we are conscious of the fact that the products are to be used in health products. Human and animal health is our prime concern.